Value Town Poker Terms

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  1. Value Town Poker Terms Pdf
  2. Value Town Poker
  3. Value Town Poker Terms Explained
  4. Value Town Poker Terms List

Your {{winrateWord}} is
{{ results.winrateResult + ' ± ' + results.resultError + winrateSymbol}}

Etymology and usage. Casino is of Italian origin; the root casa means a house. The term casino may mean a small country villa, summerhouse, or social club. During the 19th century, casino came to include other public buildings where pleasurable activities took place; such edifices were usually built on the grounds of a larger Italian villa or palazzo, and were used to host civic town functions. The following is a glossary of poker terms used in the card game of poker.It supplements the glossary of card game terms.Besides the terms listed here, there are thousands of common and uncommon poker slang terms.

  • Estimate your home's value as too high, and it could wind up sitting on the market. That’s a big problem, because a property that goes unsold for an extended period of time (e.g., more than 30.
  • Track your poker statistics and avoid the sharks. SharkScope is the most complete database of poker tournament results available and covers virtually all online poker sites.

There is a {{results.percentChance}}% chance you are a losing player

Your {{winrateWord}} is probably* between {{results.probably1}} and {{results.probably2 + winrateSymbol}}

And almost definitely between {{results.definitely1}} and {{results.definitely2 + winrateSymbol}}

*~70%, †~95%

With 30% rakeback:

Your {{winrateWord}} would be {{ rbResults.winrateResult + ' ± ' + rbResults.resultError + winrateSymbol}}

There'd be a {{rbResults.percentChance}}% chance you'd be a losing player

Value Town Poker Terms Pdf

Your {{winrateWord}} would probably* be between {{rbResults.probably1}} and {{rbResults.probably2 + winrateSymbol}}

And almost definitely between {{rbResults.definitely1}} and {{rbResults.definitely2 + winrateSymbol}}

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Your {{winrateWord}} is
{{ results.winrateResult + ' ± ' + results.resultError + winrateSymbol}}

There is a {{results.percentChance}}% chance you are a losing player


Your {{winrateWord}} is probably* between {{results.probably1}} and {{results.probably2 + winrateSymbol}}

Value Town Poker

And almost definitely between {{results.definitely1}} and {{results.definitely2 + winrateSymbol}}

Value Town Poker Terms Explained

*~70%, †~95%

With 30% rakeback:

Your {{winrateWord}} would be {{ rbResults.winrateResult + ' ± ' + rbResults.resultError + winrateSymbol}}

Value Town Poker Terms

There'd be a {{rbResults.percentChance}}% chance you'd be a losing player

Value town poker terms explained

Your {{winrateWord}} would probably* be between {{rbResults.probably1}} and {{rbResults.probably2 + winrateSymbol}}

And almost definitely between {{rbResults.definitely1}} and {{rbResults.definitely2 + winrateSymbol}}

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