Time Slot Polski

Time Slot Polski 3,6/5 5016 reviews
This date andtime slotmust allow the collection vessel to reach the place indicated in time and agreed [...]
Data i przedział godzinowy muszą umożliwiać statkowi odbierającemu dopłynięcie do wskazanego miejsca [...] [...]
ustalić między obydwoma stronami.
shall propose to the
[...] Tanzanian authorities a venue date andtime slotfor transferring the by-catches, which [...]
Kapitan statku wspólnotowego składa władzom Tanzanii
[...] propozycję daty oraz przedziału godzinowego przekazania przyłowów, które nadają s do spożycia [...]
Every driver performing loading on the premises of Brenntag Polska should be notified and
[...] scheduled for unloading in a specifictime slot.
Każdy kierowca , dokonujący załadunku na terenie Brenntag Polska powinien być zaawizowany i
[...] umówiony na rozładunek w konkretnym oknie czasowym.
In combined ventilation modes, breaths triggered by the
[...] patient withinatime slotof 20% (depending [...] [...]
the expiration time before the mandatory breath is initiated.
W kombinowanych trybach wentylacji pacjent może inicjować
[...] cykle oddechu w czasie wynoscym 20 [...] [...]
(tryb S-IPPV) czasu wydechu przed cyklem wymuszonym.
Enter the time, and then use the ‘+-’ pull-down menu to
[...] allow the systematime slotto fit in the task [...]
at the most convenient time to avoid possible overloads.
Po podaniu godziny wybierz z listy rozwijanej „+-”
przedział czasowy rozpoczęcia zadania, tak aby zostało
[...] ono wykonane w najdogodniejszym czasie, pozwalającym [...]
vessels only, to send an ETA report to a lock, bridge or terminal in order
[...] to apply foratime slotin resource planning.
Podawany jest przewidywany czas przybycia do śluzy, mostu, terminala, na podstawie
[...] którego planowana jest praca tych miejsc.
By derogation from paragraphs 1 and 2, point-to-point transport may be carried out withinatime-slotof 24 hours, provided that night-time transport of euro cash is allowed under national rules of the Member State of origin, of the Member State of transit and of the host Member State.
W drodze odstępstwa od ust. 1 i 2 transport bezpośredni może się odbywać w przeciągu 24 godzin, pod warunkiem że nocny transport gotówki euro jest dopuszczony na mocy przepisów krajowych w państwie członkowskim pochodzenia, w państwie członkowskim tranzytu oraz w przyjmującym państwie członkowskim.
A triggertime slotextending throughout [...]
the expiration time is available for this synchronization.
[...] oknie czasowym triggera, rozciągającym [...]
się na cały czas wydechu.
Point-to-point transports may however be carried out withinatime-slotof 24 hours, provided that night transport of cash is already allowed under national rules in the Member State of origin, in the Member States crossed and in the Member(s) State(s) where the service is being provided.
Przewozy bezpośrednie mogą się jednak odbywać w przeciągu 24 godzin, pod warunkiem że nocne transporty gotówki są już dopuszczone na mocy przepisów krajowych w państwie członkowskim pochodzenia, w państwach członkowskich, których terytorium jest przekraczane, oraz w państwie członkowskim (państwach członkowskich), w którym świadczona jest usługa.
Select the start and end points in Date Time Period to adjust thetime slot.
Wybrać czas rozpoczęcia i zakończenia w oknie Data Czas Okres. 8.
[...] to modify thetime slot,click the Configure [...]
button to modify the default settings first.
[...] zmiany należy najpierw kliknąć Konfiguruj [...]
poprzez zmienić to domyślne ustawienie.
The patient can trigger a mandatory, pressure-controlled mechanical breath during a predetermined triggertime slot.
Podczas okna czasowego triggera pacjent może wywołać wymuszony, regulowany ciśnieniowo cykl respiratora.
Asks the Bureau of the Parliament and the Conference of Presidents to consider whether measures could be taken to increase the political support given by members in plenary when voting on urgency resolutions of the Parliament pursuant to Rule 115, possibly by moving the voting time to a more appropriatetime-slot
108. zwraca się do Prezydium Parlamentu oraz Konferencji Przewodniczących o rozważenie, czy można podjąć działania w celu zwiększenia poparcia politycznego udzielanego przez posłów na posiedzeniach plenarnych podczas głosowania nad rezolucjami Parlamentu wymagającymi trybu pilnego na mocy art. 115 Regulaminu, być może poprzez przeniesienie głosowań na bardziej dogodny termin
For instance, the link between ‘traffic right’ and time slot (area of Community competence) is an important factor in the context [...]
Stosownym narzędziem tej długofalowej polityki musi być zawieranie ambitnych umów pomiędzy WE i jej partnerami na świecie.
All major features of E1 and Data interfaces like CRC,
[...] Timing Source,Time Slotoccupation could [...]
Dostępne są wszystkie główne opcje dla E1 i interfejsów dla danych, takich jak: CRC,
[...] źródło timingu czy wybór zajętego slotu
Our heartfelt plea to the Commissioner, therefore, is that we have just onetime slot,and therefore need a proposal quickly for strengthening cultural diversity in European internal market law.
Stąd nasza gorąca prośba do komisarza, ponieważ pozostał nam już tylko jeden przydział czasu, potrzebujemy więc szybko wniosku dotyczącego umocnienia różnorodności kulturowej w europejskim ustawodawstwie dotyczącym rynku wewnętrznego.
For the past 4 years I was using MS Excel spreadsheets but as we needed to register more people, we ended
[...] [...] synchronise all thetime slotoccupancy between [...]
the recruiting volunteers (2 to 5 recruiters depending on the year).
Przez ostatnie 4 lata używałem Ms Excel, ale jak trzeba było zarejestrować więcej ludzi, trafiliśmy
[...] [...] zsynchronizować wszystkie obłożenie przedział [...]
czasu między werbowanie ochotników
Different from Save Video, the Backup function will save all the recorded videos which belong to thetime slotyou set, instead of the clips.
W przeciwieństwie do funkcji Zapisz Video, funkcja Backup zapisuje wszystkie nagrane pliki wideo zarejestrowane w zadanym przedziale czasu.
It is more than obvious that it is not possible or appropriate to deal with this significant and important issue inatime slotof 20 minutes on a Thursday afternoon, and this is the reason why my group cannot support the draft resolution and the reason why my [...] [...]
Jest oczywiste, że nie byłoby możliwe ani właściwe przedyskutowanie sprawy tak istotnej i ważnej w ciągu 20 minut w czwartkowe popołudnie, dlatego też moja grupa nie może poprzeć projektu rezolucji, a w trakcie głosowania powstrzyma się od głosu.
Several years later, with the return of the broadcasting of Television
[...] [...] in their historicaltime slot,the most recent series [...]
of “Millennium Pearls” re-embraced
theater stagings. 12 performances were aired in the series, including 4 premieres.
Po latach, wraz z powrotem Teatru Telewizji do prezentacji
[...] spektakli w swoim historycznym czasie antenowym, [...]
ostatnia odsłona „Pereł Millennium” powróciła do teatru.
With ShiftPlanning we spend less time, less paper and we
[...] easily see who is available for eachtime slot.
Z ShiftPlanning spędzamy mniej czasu, mniej papieru i łatwo sprawdzić, kto
[...] jest dostępny dla każdego przedziale czasowym.
[...] limited to a maximumtime slot,on working days [...]
only, of three hours in the morning and three hours in the late afternoon.
[...] ograniczone do maksymalnego przedziału trzech godzin porannych [...]
i trzech godzin późno popołudniowych, tylko w dni robocze.
Users of the platform receive web-based SaaS (Software-as-aService) solutions as electronic transport assignment,time slotmanagement and transport visibility.
TRANSPOREON oferuje swoim klientom rozwiązania w formie oprogramowania jako usługi (SaaS) służące do zlecania transportu, zarządzania oknami czasowymi czy śledzenia przesyłki.
If the finished dimension entered (rivet head height H2) is attained and if the riveting operation takes place within the specifiedtime slot,the riveting result is OK.
Jeżeli zadany wymiar nitu po zanitowaniu (wysokość główki nitu H2) został osiągnięty i przebiega w wyznaczonym przedziale czasu, połączenie nitowe jest IO (właściwe).
Select thetime slotwhich you want to delete.
Wybrać przedział czasowy z którego nagrania [...]
Select thetime slotwhich you want to backup.
Wybrać przedziczasowy z którego ma być [...]
On 29th October 2012 the 27 European Transport Ministers adopted a joint approach to the refounding of thetime slotallocation system in European airports.
29 października 2012 roku 27 europejskich ministrów transportu przyjęło wspólne podejście na temat przebudowy systemu przyznawania godzinowych okienek na europejskich lotniskach.
t ON‹ and ›t OFF‹ are used to define the appropriatetime slot,and ›Hyst tank 1‹ and ›Hyst tank 2‹, to define the switch-ON hysteresis.
określa się okno czasowe dla tego punktu, a przy pomocy ›Hist. zb1‹ i ›Hist. zb2‹ określa się histerezę włączającą.

Jason Robinson, a dentist, finds that he is not bringing in enough revenue to cover his expenses. He would like to schedule more patients, but he finds that in almost every time slot, he is seeing an existing patient. Jim's difficulty in expanding his practice involves the aspect of service called a) slotting. B) perishability.

  1. At that time the program was removed from its prime-time slot. Networks broadcast them - and news magazine shows in profitable prime-time slots - for other reasons. CBS will present figure skating in 10 of 16 prime-time slots. The series was once again given a Friday evening prime-time slot, with most episodes being aired at 8:30pm.
  2. Define time slot. Time slot synonyms, time slot pronunciation, time slot translation, English dictionary definition of time slot. Period of time during which certain activities are governed by specific regulations.
  3. An item is a modular enhancement that the player can equip ingame, usually purchasable for gold. Items are often fashioned into objects from Runeterran lore, otherwise following the theme of the game's background setting. 1 Obtaining Items 2 Classification 2.1 Upgrade Types 2.2 Quality Tiers 3 Transformations 4 Effects 4.1 Unique tag 5 List of Items 6 Retired Categories 6.1 Enchantments.
  4. Context sentences for 'time slot' in Polish These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Bab.la is not responsible for their content. English Rush hours would be limited to a maximum time slot, on working days only, of three hours in the morning and three hours in the late afternoon.
(Redirected from Time slot)

Broadcast programming is the practice of organizing and/or ordering (scheduling) of broadcast media shows, typically radio and television, in a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or season-long schedule. The executive in charge of selecting the programs and planning the schedule is sometimes the director of network programming.

Modern broadcasters use broadcast automation to regularly change the scheduling of their shows to build an audience for a new show, retain that audience, or compete with other broadcasters' shows. Most broadcast television shows are presented weekly in prime time or daily in other dayparts, though exceptions are not rare.

At a micro level, scheduling is the minute planning of the transmission; what to broadcast and when, ensuring an adequate or maximum utilization of airtime. Television scheduling strategies are employed to give shows the best possible chance of attracting and retaining an audience. They are used to deliver shows to audiences when they are most likely to want to watch them and deliver audiences to advertisers in the composition that makes their advertising most likely to be effective.[1]

With the growth of digital platforms and services allowing non-linear, on-demand access to television content, this approach to broadcasting has since been referred to using the retronymlinear (such as linear television and linear channels).[2][3][4]



With the beginning of scheduled television in 1936, television programming was initially only concerned with filling a few hours each evening – the hours now known as prime time. Over time, though, television began to be seen during the day time and late at night, as well on the weekends. As air time increased, so did the demand for new material. With the exception of sports television, variety shows became much more important in prime time.

Scheduling strategies[edit]

Time slot polski online

Block programming[edit]

Block programming is the practice of scheduling a group of complementary programs together. Blocks are typically built around specific genres (i.e. a block focusing specifically on sitcoms), target audiences, or other factors. Blocks also allow these programs to be promoted together under blanket brands (such as ABC's 'TGIF' lineup and NBC's 'Must See TV').


Bridging is the practice of discouraging the audience from changing channels during the 'junctions' between specific programs. This can be done, primarily, by airing promos for the next program near the end of the preceding program, such as during its credits,[5] or reducing the length of the junction between two programs as much as possible (hot switching).

The host of the next program may similarly make a brief appearance near the end of the preceding program (sometimes interacting directly with the host) to provide a preview; in news broadcasting, this is typically referred to as a 'throw' or 'toss'. Owing to both programs' news comedy formats, the Comedy Central program The Daily Show similarly featured toss segments to promote its spin-off and lead-out, The Colbert Report, in which host Jon Stewart would engage in a comedic conversation with the latter's host, Stephen Colbert, via split-screen near the end of the show.[6]

The series premiere of The Jackie Thomas Show employed a bridge from its lead-in, Roseanne, by ending its episode with a scene of the Connor family watching the start of The Jackie Thomas Show on TV in-universe, and transition to the show itself with no junction in between. ABC commissioned a minute-by-minute Nielsen ratings report, which showed that the majority of viewers from Roseanne had been retained.[7][8]

In some cases, a channel may intentionally allow a program to overrun into the next half-hour timeslot rather than end exactly on the half-hour, in order to discourage viewers from 'surfing' away at traditional junction periods (since they had missed the beginnings of programs on other channels already). This can, however, cause disruptions with recorders if they are not aware of the scheduling (typically, digital video recorders can be configured to automatically record for a set length of time before and after a schedule's given timeslot in program guide data to account for possible variances).[9][10]

For a period, TBS intentionally engaged in this practice under the branding 'Turner Time', scheduling all programs at 5 and 35 minutes past the hour, rather than exactly on the half hour. This also served to attract viewers tuning away from shows that had already started on another channel, as the offset scheduling made it easier to catch the beginning of another program.[11]


Crossprogramming involves the interconnection of two shows. This is achieved by extending a storyline over two episodes of two different shows.


Counterprogramming is the practice of deliberately scheduling programming to attract viewers away from another, major program. Counterprogramming efforts often involve scheduling a contrasting program of a different genre or demographic, targeting viewers who may not be interested in the major program (such as a sporting event, which typically draws a predominantly-male audience, against an awards show that attracts a predominantly-female audience).[12][13] Despite frequently being among the top U.S. television broadcasts of all time, the Super Bowl has had a prominent history of being counterprogrammed in this manner. One of the most prominent examples of this practice was Fox's 1992 airing of a special live episode of In Living Color against the game's halftime show.[14][15]

Counterprogramming can also involve direct competitors scheduled directly against each other.[16] In some cases, broadcasters may attempt to adjust their schedules in order to avert attempts at counterprogramming, such as getting a slightly earlier time slot (in the hope that once viewers have become committed to a show they will not switch channels), or scheduling the competing program in a different period of the season to avoid competition altogether.[17][18]



Dayparting is the practice of dividing the day into several parts, during each of which a different type of radio programming or television showing appropriate for that time is aired. Daytime television shows are most often geared toward a particular demographic, and what the target audience typically engages in at that time.

  • Early morning news
  • Early morning
  • Late morning
  • Early fringe
  • Lunchtime news
  • Early afternoon
  • Late afternoon
  • Early evening
  • Evening news
  • Sign-off (closedown)
  • Late fringe
  • Post late-fringe


Hammocking is a technique used by broadcasters whereby an unpopular show is scheduled between two popular shows in the hope that viewers will watch it. Public television uses this as a way of promoting serious but valuable content.

Season splitting[edit]

Time Slot Polski

Season splitting is the practice of broadcasting one season of a series in two parts, with a scheduled break in between. This allows for the second half of the season to be programmed strategically separately from the first.


Stacking is a technique used to develop audience flow by grouping together shows with similar appeals to 'sweep' the viewer along from one show to the next.[19]


Stripping is the practice of running a single series in a consistent, daily time slot throughout the week, usually on weekdays. First-run daytime and syndicated programs, such as talk shows, court shows, game shows, and soap operas, are typically aired in a strip format,

Syndicated reruns of network programs that originally aired on a weekly basis are often aired as strips. Shows that are syndicated in this way generally have to have run for several seasons (the rule of thumb is usually 100 episodes) in order to have enough episodes to run without significant repeats.

Besides telenovelas, primetime programs are only stripped on occasion, usually as a limited event.


In tent pole programming, the programmers bank on a well-known series having so much audience appeal that they can place two unknown series on either side, and it is the strength of the central show that will draw viewers to the two other shows.


A broadcaster may temporarily dedicate all or parts of its schedule over a period of time to a specific theme. A well-known instance of a themed lineup is Discovery Channel's annual 'Shark Week'.

Themed schedules are a common practice around major holidays—such as Valentine's Day, Halloween, and Christmas—where channels may air specials, films, and episodes of their existing programs that relate to the holiday. The practice can help to attract viewers interested in programming that reflects the season. In conjunction with festive programs when relevant, a channel may also target viewers on vacation for holiday long weekends or common school breaks, by scheduling marathons of signature programs and feature film franchises the channel holds rights to, or other themed programming events.

The U.S. basic cable networks Freeform (25 Days of Christmas, 31 Days of Halloween) and Hallmark Channel are known for broadcasting long-term holiday programming events. After experiencing success with holiday events such as Countdown to Christmas, Hallmark Channel adopted a strategy of dividing its programming into themed seasons year-round, in an effort to position itself as 'a year-round destination for celebrations' (which is synergistic with Hallmark Cards' core greeting card and collectibles businesses).[20][21][22][23]

Time slot[edit]

A show's time slot or place in the schedule could be crucial to its success or failure (see tentpoling above).

A time slot can affect a program's overall audience; generally, earlier prime time slots have a stronger appeal towards family viewing and younger demographics, while later time slots, such as the 10:00 p.m. hour, generally appeal more towards older demographics. Some time slots, colloquially known as 'graveyard slots' or 'death slots', are prone to having smaller potential audiences (with one such example being Friday nights),[24] or intense competition from high-rated series.[25][26]

See also[edit]

Time Slot Polski

Time Slot Polskie

  • Radio Computing Services - automated scheduling for radio stations

Time Slot Polski W


  1. ^Eastman, S.T., and Ferguson, D.A. (2013). Media programming: Strategies and Practices (9th ed.), Boston: Thomson Wadsworth.
  2. ^Andreeva, Nellie (2019-02-12). 'Brett Weitz On TNT & TBS' Future, No 'Dark, Depressing Dramas' & More Unscripted On TNT'. Deadline. Retrieved 2019-05-14.
  3. ^Battaglio, Stephen. 'Network TV viewing is down, but strong demand for ads is expected to boost upfront sales'. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 2019-05-14.
  4. ^'In Age Of Time-Shifted Viewing, Networks Stay On Schedule'. MediaPost. Retrieved 2019-05-14.
  5. ^Ellis, J. (2000) Seeing Things: Television in the Age of Uncertainty, London: I.B. Tauris.
  6. ^Steinberg, Jacques (2005-05-04). ''Daily Show' Personality Gets His Own Platform'. The New York Times. ISSN0362-4331. Retrieved 2019-09-09.
  7. ^Carter, Bill. 'ABC's Extra Careful Look At 'Jackie Thomas Show'.' The New York Times, 1992-12-07, p. D8.
  8. ^Carter, Bill. 'As Cliff and Norm Drink Up, In Walks Seinfeld.' The New York Times, 1993-03-21, p. A31.
  9. ^'Why Do Americans Have the Worst DVRs?'. Slate. June 21, 2013. Retrieved September 9, 2019.
  10. ^'Odd timings cause TiVo to issue warning in US'. Digital Spy. May 12, 2004. Retrieved September 9, 2019.
  11. ^'Inside Turner's Quest to Take on Broadcast'. adage.com. 2012-04-16. Retrieved 2019-09-09.
  12. ^'NASCAR going head-to-head with Oscars'. U-T San Diego. Retrieved 12 January 2014.
  13. ^February 28; 2012. 'NBA All-Star Game's 7.1 Million Viewers Down 22% From Telecast In '11'. Sports Business Daily. Retrieved 2019-09-29.CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  14. ^'Goal of spectacle colors NFL's thinking about Super Bowl halftime show'. Chicago Tribune. February 6, 2011. Retrieved January 30, 2013.
  15. ^Weinstien, Steve. 'Fox Tackles Super Bowl With Sly Plan : Television: The 'rebel network' hopes to siphon off viewers from CBS with a halftime show of its own featuring the gang from 'In Living Color.''. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 15 November 2016.
  16. ^Powers, Martine; Moskowitz, Eric (June 15, 2013). 'July 4 fireworks gala loses its national pop'. The Boston Globe. Retrieved June 16, 2013.
  17. ^Plunkett, John (April 3, 2013). 'The Voice v Britain's Got Talent: scheduling wars recommence'. The Guardian. Retrieved November 13, 2017.
  18. ^Brown, Maggie (September 23, 2012). 'BBC pilots Tuesday night slot as it takes on ITV in the battle of the costume dramas'. The Guardian/The Observer. Retrieved November 13, 2017.
  19. ^Vane, E.T., and Gross, L.S. (1994) Programming for TV, radio and cable, Boston: Focal Press.
  20. ^Petski, Denise (2019-04-08). 'Leah Renee, Chris McNally, Dan Jeannotte, Nathan Parsons & More Cast In Hallmark Channel's 'Countdown To Summer' Movie Event'. Deadline. Retrieved 2019-04-29.
  21. ^Yarborough, Kaitlyn. 'Everything You Need to Know About Hallmark Channel in 2018'. Southern Living. Time, Inc. Retrieved February 21, 2018.
  22. ^Buckman, Adam (March 31, 2016). 'Hallmark Upfront Emphasizes Family-Friendly Programming, Focus On Holidays'. Media Daily News. Retrieved February 20, 2018.
  23. ^''Elf' and 'Christmas Vacation' Make Holiday Magic for AMC'. The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved 2019-03-21.
  24. ^'Is There Hope In Friday Night Television's 'Time Slot Of Death'?'. NPR.org. Retrieved 2019-09-09.
  25. ^'Upfront uproar: The inside dope on Fall TV's 5 toughest time slots'. Ad Age. 2019-05-20. Retrieved 2019-09-09.
  26. ^''Grimm' and other shows that have escaped the Friday Night Death Slot'. EW.com. Retrieved 2019-09-09.

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